
Mrs P Neeraja
Education’s purpose is to fill an empty mind with an open one.
– Malcom Forbes
KV at NIT Rourkela is established as an appropriate project for accomplishing one such CSR objective and work to empower the young minds to create a competent and productive workforce for the future.
KV-NIT Rourkela shall be dedicated towards technology integration, creating educational resources, teacher training and capacity building, integrating eco-friendly practices in the operation of the school, conducting health awareness campaigns, and skill development programs in school, Providing inclusive facilities for differently abled students, ensuring accountability and transparency during imparting education, Addressing educational disparities, fostering social responsibility, Investing in future generations, Encouraging lifelong learning, Cultivating knowledge and skills, Empowering marginalized communities, Promoting social cohesion etc.
The Kendriya Vidyalaya-NIT Rourkela also aims to address the needs of marginalized sections, as well as the children on the campus. KV-NIT Rourkela seeks to offer equal opportunities for education, facilitating the holistic development of children. Additionally, the faculty, staff of NIT Rourkela, and residents of nearby areas, including those employed by central/state governments, can benefit from admission and transferable advantages for their children at the new school.
KV-NIT Rourkela shall maintain high standards of education by providing Smart/Digital classrooms, Well-Equipped Classrooms, libraries, and sports facilities. KV-NIT Rourkela shall create an environment where underprivileged students can learn and develop optimally. This school will be assisted by the facilities available in NIT Rourkela to give the students hands-on experiments in laboratories to basic science and technology. These students shall get exposure to Innovation Carnival and Other Fests which are frequently organized in NIT Rourkela Campus.
Coal India with its CSR models has been addressing the issues across the systemic chain to accelerate change in the education sector and is playing a pivotal role in bringing positive change, emphasizing the transformative power of education in fostering a sustainable and equitable society.
(P Neeraja)